Although, John remembers that kind face, although too serious... he is certain that they never heard from him.

The strange thing is, he doesn't remember there being any wakes or mourning for him.

It's funny, he died so young... just at the same age that John is now.

Vaguely, between memories... you can remember the seashore in this little bundle of corals.

Remember that, they swam in a piece in which there were bars, which separated them from the sea, far from the barrier reef, to which they were never taken ... adults said it was dangerous.

The sea swallows everything, they said.

Therefore, they followed the rules, swimming inside the bars that the neighbors had put so that they could swim without risks.

In this place, a rusty beam was placed so that they could walk to the tip and throw themselves into the water.

Jhon, remembers many children, are children of their neighbors, among them there is nothing but smiles and children's games.

They run to the tip of the beam and throw themselves into the water, others collect stones and snails from the shore, among the rocks.

A few more, just swim on the shore.

A seemingly normal day.

Several children lined up on the beam, waiting for their turn, including Billy.

He liked to brag and fiddle on the beam to scare Jhon, who looked at him in fear.

end of chapter 18