Billy walked on the beam as he did so many times.

He jumped on the tip, only this time, he didn't fall forward, his foot slipped and fell head back, a dry blow to the back of his neck.

With the screams of the children, Billy fell into the water.

All this, it scared the children too much, only a few tried to help him, but, his body sank very quickly, they rushed to try to reach him.

Jhon, I couldn't stop screaming as I tried to swim.

A girl, a little bigger than him, was much closer, trying to get him out of the water.

Perhaps, it would be the wet foot, the loss of balance, his distraction from bragging.

Immense guilt flooded the boy's heart.

Some of the children, ran to the site of the mobile homes, in the distance, they were heard by some adults.

Imagining the worst, they rushed to his aid.

Soon, everyone in those houses was warned.

Among them, Billy and Jhon's parents.

When they arrived, they saw how the men were in the water, looking for their son.

Walter, his father, as possessed, threw himself without thinking...

I was just thinking about the child... not knowing that, it was his son, Billy.

Meanwhile, there was the commotion, his mother, Gina, manages to see little Jhon, being hugged by two of the children while he does not stop crying.

end of chapter 19