DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

Without a doubt, Jhon, he knows what he is doing.

Without giving him time to leave or even think about it.

Jhon's lips drink from that cup, caressing with his tongue every part of it.

When the young woman feels the need to escape due to the spasms it causes, Jhon, grabs her legs with his arms, clinging to the young woman while striving to make her lose her mind.

When he achieves his mission, Jhon, lies next to her, ends up holding her, hugging her.

After a while, regain consciousness and possess it again, with the same excitement as the first time.

It took hours for that woman to disappear from that room.

In the news they have published that, there have been some cases similar to the deaths that occurred in this city in other parts of the country, this case has been turned over to internal affairs agents, since FBI agents have not been able to establish any apparent connection between the cases.

In the following weeks, Jhon came to have those dreams almost daily, in which he was possessing each of his young neighbors.

It was a bit awkward for him.

They acted as usual, this confirmed that it was his twisted dreams that he had been enjoying, without realizing it perhaps, he had become depraved.