DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

After weeks, the girls disappeared from the neighborhood, moved out and the houses were left alone.

Somehow, Jhon, felt some sadness because, he did not get to realize anything with any of them.

Above all, with the cleavage walking your dog every day, you will miss seeing her every morning.

On another occasion when they had gone partying, Jhon and Raúl, returned separately to their homes.

The next morning, Jhon receives a visit from one of the FBI's internal affairs agents.

Which, I did not expect.

The agent introduces himself as Special Agent Clive Johnson, accompanied by a woman, Agent Annie Brown.

This makes Jhon uncomfortable.

The reason for the visit is to know his relationship with Samantha Riley.

Jhon, gives them the pass to his desk in the office.

Raul stays alert, from his cubicle in case Jhon needs anything.

Alice leaves the director's office, after having presented her project, since they are taking turns.

In this way, everyone has the same opportunity.

Alice notices Jhon's somewhat unique visits, but she doesn't know who they are.

He retreats to his cubicle.

At the desk of Jhon, Special Agent Johnson, the interview begins, Jhon gets serious.

Agent Brawn does not lose details of Jhon's expressions.