DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

He is also concerned about Raul's attitude, after paying bail, he expected to see him, however, his friend's attitude was contrary to everything Jhon expected.

He is his great friend and, these days he has been moving away.

At first, he believed it was because of Rose's dismay.

Now, he is doubting if the reason has to do with that conversation he had with the agents in the company.

He can't believe his friend is suspicious of him.

It would be the end, there would be no point in continuing if, nobody in the world believes in him.

Even his parents give him a feeling of rejection and distrust.

Something that he had never felt with them, before having dreamed of his uncle that night.

Maybe, he's just raving and nothing is as it seems.

He's going crazy. Jhon, sitting in the armchair of his living room, looks around...

That house had never seemed so big to him.

He lies down a little, and carves his eyes.

It has deep dark circles.

Remember what happened a while ago with Raul at the station.

end of chapter 63