DISCLAIMER: In this chapter, there will be hints of sexuality, explicit violence, and sensitive (religious) topics for some adults.

If you are susceptible to these topics, it is recommended to stop reading this story.

Shortly after arguing heatedly, Raul is the one who takes Jhon from the station to his house.

Along the way, Raul has been silent.

As he drives, he looks sideways at his friend.

He is really affected.

Along the way, he suggests that, there is also the possibility that he will not be left alone.

Loneliness is like fighting with yourself.

You will not be able to rest.

He will spend it thinking about the matter.

If John allows it, he would like to be able to stay with him.

Or the other option is that, Jhon, change of scenery and go to live with Raul for a while in his apartment.

It's small, but, cozy.

Taking Jhon out of his emptiness a little, he replies that, if he goes to Raul's house, the one caught would be him, without a doubt.

Both friends laugh vaguely, breaking the atmosphere a little.

They arrive at Jhon's house.

From the balcony of Jhon's room, a dark silhouette watches them.

Just before he gets out of the car, Raul touches his hand.

He tells her that, he is her friend and will be there for everything you need.

Jhon, assures that he already knew.

Seriously, Raul, emphasizes that, this for everything you need, you should not go through everything alone. J

hon, feel a little peace.

end of chapter 64