A Bad Dream

I tossed and turned inside the bed as I was remembering my past. My very dark past that I wanted to forget about. When I was first born my family loved me. The treated me with joy and gave me everything that I wanted. Just a year after I was born my parents gave birth to my younger sister Tiana. Although I had a younger sister now they didn't treat me any different. I could tell that they loved and that they generally liked seeing me. At age of 4 my father started teaching me the way of the sword.

At first it was the basics then it was sparring. Even though I was just 5 I practiced everyday all day to get my father's recognition which I did. I was a genius when it came to mortal sword techniques however when my coming of age came the way my parents looked at me and treated me were different. I remember that I was especially nervous that day and had a bad feeling so I tried to pretend that I was sick but it didn't work.

When the awakener told me to touch the crystal ball and feel the class that I'm close to I felt like my heart was beating out my chest. I reluctantly placed my hand on the crystal ball and tried my best to feel the class that I felt more comfortable with but there was none. The awakener and everyone looked at me with a shocked expression because it had been hundreds of years since someone was born powerless. I looked at my parents and their loving gazes has been replaced by disgust.

I was sad when I noticed the way my parents looked at me. When we got home I got the beating of a living by my father. He beat me until I was black and blue. No matter how much I asked him to stop he wouldn't. He kept on telling me that I was a disgrace to the family and that I was cursed. At home or in public my parents didn't show any affection towards me but used it all to my sister. Because of this I grew up hating my sister and even more when her awakening ceremony happed. She had the swordsman class and a high grade talent.

That meant that she could reach the Saint Realm and when I saw how happy my parents were for my sister I hated her even more. I saw tears of joy in my parents eyes and they held up Tiana and spun her around the room. "Thank our ancestors that we have given birth to a talented child." my mom said with a smile on her face. She sat on her knees and thanked her ancestors repeatedly.

As my sister had good talents and I had none we were completely treated differently. They completely ignored me besides the time they would degrade me and beat me. Over the years I got more and more socially declined and I mostly stayed by myself. Even though I tried to make myself as invisible as possible I still managed to get bullied by classmates for being weak. I hated the fact how people kissed other's asses just for benefits, I hated how I was so weak that I couldn't fight for myself, and I hated how my family treated me.

From that day on I decided that I wasn't going to take my beating sitting down. I wanted to fight back but what that did was make the beatings worse but I never gave up. I never kissed the asses of people who bullied me and I still trained hard everyday to no avail. I had noticed that when my sister joined my school that was when my life started becoming miserable. Alex who never paid attention to me started bullying me everyday with his little lackey's. My consciousness was telling me that it was my sister who was causing me to struggle everyday but my heart didn't want to accept the fact.

"Wake up Ashton your having a nightmare," the nurse came into view as my vision became clearer. I looked at the nurse with tears in my eyes and I could tell that she pitied me as she always looked at me with those sorrowful eyes. I hated when people pitied me. It made me feel that I was actually useless and that was what I didn't want to admit no matter what. I wanted to believe that I still had a purpose on this planet.

'Who knows I might end up getting a system and If I do I will become so strong that no one will be able to pity me, bully me, or betray me. I will get my revenge on all of you who wronged me and that's a promise' I thought inside my head but I knew something like that wouldn't happen to little ole me. "Go home now Ashton it's later" the nurse said to me. I immediately got up and walked towards the direction of my house but as I was walking I got even more depressed and unconsciously walked to the protected part of the forest.

There at the forest I climbed up the tallest hill and stood there contemplating life. I felt very depressed and thought about all the feelings and memories that I wanted to forget so bad but they all came rushing into my mind and made me care less and less about the world. I could have sworn that I just made a promise to myself but I didn't know what happened to me. I looked down and the ground and jumped down but instead of me dying a bright light hit me.

I gasped in pain but it only lasted a couple seconds before completely disappearing. I quickly walked home and went straight to my room and laid on the bed.


[Welcoming host of the Crazed Player System.....Conducting a full body scan on host to get the most accurate attributes....Process complete....The system is now showing hosts data panel]

|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 0

EXP: 0/50 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: Heaven Talent: Medium

HP: 50/50 MP: 10


STR: 15 AGI: 15

SEN: 20 DEF: 5

STA: 15 VIT: 3

INT: 20 AP: 0




-Complete 10 missions from the school (0/10)

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 5km (Status: 0/3)

-Carry 150 kilograms (Status: 0/150)

-Climb a height of 50 meters (Status: 0/50)

I stared at the screen in front of me in disbelief. I couldn't believe that I got my own system so I pinched my cheek. "Oww, that hurts why did I do that? But if that hurts it means that I really got a system" I said in excitement and quickly got up. I had completely forgot about the pain that I was previously in because of how excited I was. I quickly changed into some black clothes and ran down the stairs but I didn't feel tired.

I remembered that before just going down the stairs was a hassle and would always leave me panting or gasping for air but now it didn't even phase me. I was shocked but at the same time a notification of my climbing task went up. I smirked as I didn't have to leave my house to complete these tasks and I knew that my parents and sister wouldn't be home until later this evening.

[When the system merged with the host your body went a transformation and you are now on the same level as a high level mortal realm person]

This information made me happy and I wasted no time running up and down the stairs for about 5 minutes and that was when I got a completion notification. After going up and down the stairs multiple times I was just a little out of breath which made me love my new physic.

[Climb a height of 50 meters (Status: 50/50)]

I went ahead and looked around the house to see what was there to lift and I looked at the couch. "But the couch is too heavy for me to carry." I complained but I soon heard the system scoff at me.

[Host shouldn't complain about something being too heavy. At the end of the day these tasks are to help you succeed in getting revenge. Don't you want revenge on the people who wronged you?]

"Yes I want to get my revenge" I said with determination.

[Then you know what to do right?]

I shook my head and walked over to the couch and lifted it with great struggle. The veins in my forehead popped out as the couch was so heavy. My arms got sore the more I lifted the couch but I didn't give up. It was more like I couldn't give up, if I wanted to get my revenge then I needed to do the quests that the system asked me to without complaining. It looked like a fire was lit inside my eyes and my willpower carried me through until the notification went off. I dropped the couch and fell on the floor fatigued, I was only fatigued because I wasn't used to this.

[Host there is only one more task for you to complete and when your finished you can take a break. Just think about you getting stronger whenever you complete these tasks]

"Your right I will system" I said while struggling to get up. I rushed out the house and started running. During the run my system encouraged me and helped me not give up. By the time I finished the run the sun was already setting and my body was covered in sweat. I was so exhausted that I wanted to pass out but I soon heard a notification from the system.