Rewards & Sparring

[Run 5km (Status: 5/5)]

I smiled when I saw the notification as I was finally done with the daily tasks. I fell to the ground as I was completely exhausted.

[The host should check his rewards]

'Open my rewards'


|Name: Ashton Steel

Age: 16 Level: 0

EXP: 0/50 Race: Human

Class: None Title: None

Grade: F Talent: Medium

HP: 50/50 MP: 10


STR: 15 AGI: 15

SEN: 20 DEF: 5

STA: 15 VIT: 3

INT: 20 AP: 5




-Complete 10 missions from the school (0/10)

Reward: Random mystery box

[Daily Tasks]

-Run 5km (Status: 0/3)

-Carry 150 kilograms (Status: 0/150)

-Climb a height of 50 meters (Status: 0/50)


'System what does the AP points do?'

[AP points are used to increase your stats. Each AP point equals 1.]

I thought about it long and hard then decided that I was going to save them for when I had enough to increase every stat.

[Also the host should start heading home if he wants to get there before his parents ]

'Damn your right. I didn't realize that it was that late.' I said as I checked my watch seeing that it was almost 10 pm. I quickly rushed home. It felt like an eternity for me to get home because I was so stressed about getting home before my parents that I rushed there. When I got there I was gasping for air but that didn't stop me from walking inside and going upstairs to my room.

No matter how much I wanted to lay on my bed I didn't because that would be disgusting as I was all sweaty. I laid on the floor for about 20 minutes to catch my breath. Once I was done I walked in my bathroom and took a shower and did my daily hygiene routine. When I was done I completely collapsed onto my bed in exhaustion and fell asleep.

~The next morning~

I slowly moved out of my bed as my whole body was sore. Although I was sore I didn't stay in bed. Instead I hopped out of bed and did my morning routine. I put on my school uniform which was a white shirt, blood red cardigan pullover, a black tie, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. Although the clothes were fancy they were quite comfortable and didn't restrict your movement. Instead they made you feel free. They also had a protection array on them that made them indestructible.

Once I was ready I walked out the door and headed towards school. I wasn't in a rush for time so I decided to take a casual stroll as I was going to take quests like a madman. After an hour of walking I finally made it to school. I walked through the building without a care in the world and went to Ms. Alizarin's classroom as she was my first class.

I sat in my seat which was towards the back and tried to make myself the least noticeable as I didn't want people to bother me. As I was about to fall asleep seductive heels could be heard clanking on the ground.

°Clank° °Clank° °Clank°

A very beautiful but young looking woman was seen walking in the classroom with her hips swaying side to side seductively which showed her curves and a good figure. This made almost all the boys have boners and swallow their Slavia hard. At a glance you could tell that they were having lewd thoughts about the teacher but it wasn't my place to blame them. Although I couldn't blame them I was disgusted by their behavior.

Ms. Alizarin slammed her hand on the desk and a terrifying aura filled the air which caused everyone to break out in a cold sweat. Everyone in the classroom could be seen shivering and the teacher glared at everyone. "Have you no shame! You are cadets that are going to protect the earth one day! How could you have time to think of such lewd thoughts? Especially towards a teacher?!" Ms. Alizarin scolded the classroom and no one could even look up.

"Anyways, now that you get it. I guess it is time for me to tell you the plan. Cadets you are to spar with your fellow teammates right here with you. I don't want to hear any complaints. Now come with me" Ms. Alizarin stated before she walked away. We all got up from our seats and followed the teacher towards the sparring arena. The sparring area was big and white. It had lots of stages to spar and there were big, bright lights flashing down on us.

"In this sparring session there will be no killing, inflicting lethal damage and or critical, and using skills. You will draw a card and that's who you will be facing off with. You are to only use the basic sword technique that I taught you. Is that understood?" Ms. Alizarin said. "Yes, Mam!" the class responded loudly. Soon we all grabbed a card and I had a 5. I didn't want to call out whoever was my partner.

"If you're a number 5 come to me." I looked towards where the voice was coming from and it was from a guy who wasn't that stronger than me. He was a snobbish rich guy who only attended school to get females. He completely discarded his training so I felt lucky. I walked towards him and he looked at me with disgust. "How come I got partnered with the useless one?"

I smirked at his remark but didn't pay it any mind. We walked up to an arena and stood on opposite sides of the arena. A long sword teleported in front of me and I grabbed It. 'I can easily defeat him. He isn't that much stronger than me' I thought.

[The host should not think like that. Just because they aren't that much stronger than you doesn't mean that you will win. Even them being a little stronger than you can make you lose.]

After the system reprimands I realized that I shouldn't be cocky now just because I got the system. "Begin!" Ms. Alizarin said. The snobbish rich guy ran towards me and tried to swing but I blocked him and kicked him in the stomach. "You cheap bastard! How could you kick during a sword fight?!" I smirked and he rushed towards me once more. I tried to block his attack but he ended up changing it at the last second. The sword slashed my side which was incredibly painful.

I glared at the snobbish rich guy and ran towards him and started slashing my sword at him in an unpredictable manner which made him not able to block most of my slashes. We started exchanging blows with each other. I gritted my teeth in anger as he wouldn't go down no matter what. We both were covered in wounds but he didn't give up. At this point I was ready to go crazy so I did. My sword slashes got wilder and wilder as the brawl continued and I ended up stabbing him in the stomach.

That was when the shield came up and protected him. "The winner is Ashton!" said Ms. Alizarin. I walked off the stage covered in wounds. A nurse and a robot walked over to me and healed my wounds. "100 credits are being charged to Ashton Steel's account for healing fees" said the robot. I gritted my teeth in anger. 'How could the school charge so many credits for a low level heal? Did they not know how hard it was to earn credits as a weak person?' I thought.

[Hidden quest complete

|Defeat a classmate in a spar
