Chapter 35: Leave Them In The Sun


We speed back to the cauldronhold, though when Nori senses a human, we stop to feed on the woman trying to get back into her underground den. Judging by what she was carrying, she had come out to collect rainwater. When Nori knocks her out, I grab the water before it hits the ground. She’ll need it.

Nori takes a few gulps then motions for me to drink. I always seem to need more than her, and she’s repeated time and again that this is normal. The older you are, she relays, the less you need to consume to keep your strength up. I feed quickly and then carry the woman into the cover of a boulder. Nori places her water at her side, and then we move on, refueled and ready to fight again.

They tried to kill her. Well, us. But the part that really p*sses me off is that they left her there to die when I’ve seen her stick her neck out to protect them or make the smartest decision with them in mind so many times. Why? For Weston? What did he promise them?