Chapter 48: Is It Okay If I Call You Buffy?


From here on out, there’s no stopping. Our people accompany us back to the Bilbao cauldronhold, the older child riding piggyback with me, the younger one held snugly in Nori’s arms. Despite both she and the baby looking at eachother with measuring, unsure expressions the baby is waving her chubby hands as Nori speeds overland and hooting like a happy little owl. Nori laughs in response, taking delight in this tiny life in her hands.

A knife sharp pain goes through my chest. She looks good with that kid holding on to her so tightly.

In the Bilbao cauldronhold, the children are given over to the care of other humans, ones that have kids around the same ages. The older girl, the one willing to fight to safeguard the tiny one with her life, holds on to my hand for a second longer than needed.

She looks up at me and asks, “Do you trust them?”