
Simon's Pov

My kingdom was burning.

My people were crying, and wailing begging for help.

My house was burning as well, as I stood in the middle of the chaos with wounds covering my body with blood covering my body.

My clothes were torn and my one eye was gone as well.

"Hahahaha!" I heard that maniac laughter again and I turned back to see the woman smiling like a witch.

She was enjoying this, she was enjoying seeing my people suffering, she was see me suffering.

"Well done son...well done we succeeded we finally succeeded." she laughed with all her might, "We finally ruined them we finally ruined this kingdom, the disgusting kingdom that destroyed my life....and it's all thanks to your power."

She said as she looked at me...I gulped and looked around and then looked at my bloodied hands...what have I done? I killed my people, I ruined my kingdom?

I killed my friends, I killed my family all because I wanted to please her...because I wanted to help her...I wanted the love of my mother and because of that, I went against everyone who truly love me? what have I done?

Did I kill my father? My brother, my friends, all for his woman who is filled with hatred?

I kill my father's lover who probably loved me like his own child?

I made my father's life miserable because I thought he was keeping me away from my mother, and I conspired to kill him...No, I killed him.

Tears flew from my eyes as I stood in the middle of the ground. As that woman walked to me, she stood in front of me and cupped my cheeks, "Why are you crying, son? This is what we wanted, right? This is what we desired. Now you can be the king and you and I can rule this kingdom together. You have made me proud."

I looked at her, I should be happy because I wanted to make her happy because I wanted her love and now I am getting it. She is proud of me I fulfilled her dream."

But I am not happy, why I am not happy? Why do I feel this immense amount of guilt?

"Son, when I found out that you were favored by the goddess Ankh that you were the chosen one, the one born in a thousand years, you have no idea how happy I had felt, I felt like I was on cloud nine..."

I looked at her, "Mom?"


"Did you come back for me just because I was favored by the goddess and not because I was your child?"

The woman looked at her son, before she smiled, "Son...since I gave you birth, so naturally, you have to be of some use to me, right? Yes, I am glad because you are the chosen one."

"And if I wasn't, then?"

The woman sighed, "Then I am afraid son, You would be of no use to me."

Third-person Pov

Simon felt his heart being pierced by needles, he felt horrible. And after this confirmation, he burst into crying...he just couldn't take it anymore.


The woman was quite shocked at this outburst before she said, "It was because they were coming in our way they had to be stopped we had no other option son, had they been a little bit more supportive I could have spared their life."

Simon was crying badly at this point. He shook his head and placed his hand on his forehead, "AHHHHH!"

The woman looked at him, "Why are you acting so weak now? Huh? Simon, you are going to be the ruler of this empire can't be weak anymore."

Simon suddenly took out his sword and pointed it at her, "I hate you...I will change everything."

"How can you do that? Simon... you can't change anything, it's time for you to move forward and take the command of this Empire."

Simon glared at this woman, "I will kill you." he said, but before he could attack, he was stabbed from behind by another person.

He was a man who was loyal to this woman, "Claude, you are on time."

"Lady Aurelia, I hope you are okay."

"Oh, I am fine Claude. It's just that my son is misbehaving and I have to teach him a lesson."

Simon glared at her, "My son is misbehaving and as a punishment, Claude takes him and lock him up in the temple of Nirvana."

Temple of Nirvana on the other side of the continent, is said to be the place where this Gealach empire was founded...and the place where the founder of this empire Sean had lived his last days of life.

Simon was taken forcefully over there and thrown inside the broken and abandoned building that was thousands of years old the fact that this building was still standing is a miracle itself, this place was beside the ocean...and it is said that this is where the Founder Sean had named this empire as the Gealach empire.

Not many people were allowed here, in fact, no one was allowed here. This place was a treasure. So he was alone with no sign of a human in this long stretch of land

Simon crawled inside the temple and the first thing he saw was the huge statue of the goddess Ankh and then Duat and then Aurelias.

They were broken and had become black but they were still smiling; it was raining outside pretty badly and Simon sighed as he leaned against the wall.

Now he has to think that how will he correct his wrongs. But how?

Just thinking about all these things, he fell asleep,

In the dream he saw something, he saw that he was still in the temple of Nirvana just that it looked much well and pretty maintained.

He looked around and the building didn't look like ruins anymore.

He saw the three huge statues and then he saw that someone was standing in front of the statue of the goddess Ankh, "Hello?"

He asked, but the man didn't turn around, "Hello?" Simon said again and this time he moved towards the mystery man and raised his hand to touch him but his hand went past him and to say that Simon was shocked would be an understatement.

The man then turned around and Simon was so shocked that he nearly passed out there, "Rune?"

"Master." Simon heard another voice and this time a figure passed right through him and now he was freaked out, is he dead? he thought or maybe he is in some kind of illusion because this person looks like Rune but he isn't Rune, because he looks older.


Wait what?

Aaron, this kid was Aaron, as in the first ruler of the Gealach empire, "The preparations have been one master Sean."

Sean? the founder?

What the hell is going on?

"Alright then you leave Aaron, today is the day you will be crowned as the Emperor of this empire. I will see you soon."

"Yes, Master," he said and walked out.

After he was gone, Simon looked at Sean again, who had this very weird smile on his face as if he could feel his presence there.

But if he could, then why wasn't he saying something? Suddenly Sean raised his hand with a smile as if he was showing something to Simon...and then he made a cut on his hand.

Simon was curious as the drop of Sean's blood dropped on the feet of the goddess Ankh's feet and then Goddess Duat and then Aurelias.

For a few minutes, nothing happened, and then suddenly the statues moved and that shocked him. He moved back, and the statue made a triangular formation and the secret door opened.

Simon watched everything with shock before Sean turned to him, like him, he could see him and smile.

Simon suddenly woke up from his sleep and he was back in the ruined temple, with raining outside and now it was cold walls were broken and the statue was cracked, half of the roof was gone.

Was all that an illusion?

He slowly stood up and the wound on his back was still bleeding so he got up and stood in front of the three statues. He took his blood and placed one drop on goddess Ankh's feet followed by goddess Duat and then Aurelias.

He then stood there and waited for something to happen and when nothing happened, then he sighed. What was he, thinking believing some ritual he dreamed of.

But suddenly the ground shook, and the walls shook as well, he found a safe spot to hide as the old walls broke and the ancient statues moved and formed the triangular shape.

And finally, the secret passage opened, Simon gulped and slowly went down, it was quite dark there so he decided to go and arrange some fire, and so he took off his clothes and somehow burned them before coming down again and lighting the lanterns on the side on walls.

And soon the room was lit with torches, it was a library.

With thousands of books and scrolls.

And this library was huge. But the thing that caught his attention was the book placed in the middle as if somebody knew that this was the book that he needed.

So he went to the book and touched it, he tried to open it but couldn't. The book read Ankh.

He tried so hard to open it but it wouldn't budge and then he thought of an idea he...took his blood and laced his fingers with this and placed his on the small sun symbols on the book and soon as his blood touched it the book glowed and it finally opened.

The book contained many things that Simon had only heard of like the cosmic law, the four main gods, and the demigod Aurelias.

The favored one, but one thing that caught his eyes was the cosmic law of time.

There was a very detailed ritual given in the book and this ritual can only and only be performed by the one favored by the goddess Ankh.

And so Simon spend his next time reading the book, he read the entire book and got immersed in it he forgot about eating sleeping, and everything and somehow he didn't feel the urge to eat and sleep, or drink and after he was done reading the book, he had no idea how much time had passed.

He closed the book and took a deep breath.

And soon got up, he then went back up the door opened and soon closed but the statues were still in the rectangular shape, so he took a deep breath and took the knife and cut off his finger detaching it from his hand before using that finger to draw something on the floor.

It was a weird pattern just as given in the books and on the three sides were the tree symbols, the symbol of nature, the sun also known as Ankh, and then a symbol of darkness, the moon. Duat. And then the symbol of knowledge Capricorn also a symbol to represent Aurelias.

And then he stood in the middle of the formation...he closed his eyes and started chanting this time Aurelia and Claude came there as well, "Simon!"

But Simon didn't lose focus he kept on chanting the words before his eyes opened completely red and the formation also glowed with red color the sky that was covered with dark cloud thundered and the ground shook, blood came out from Simon's eyes before his eyes suddenly burst blood came from his eyes.

The winds blew and the ocean became restless the sky felt like it was going to fall and the ground shook so badly that it was going to break.

"We have to leave now," Claude said to Aurelia and grabbed her hand, "No Simon my son is still there wait!!"

But Claude dragged her away.

Simon then drove the dagger right through his heart and soon his body collided with the floor the sky roared and the ground finally broke.

The last thing that Simon remembered before losing consciousness was the immense pain in his eyes and the cold ground that he was lying on before the ground was opened and he fell into the darkness.

The temple and the island that was built drowned as well.