Darkness, darkness everywhere as he fell in the endless abyss.

The void sucked him deeper and deeper into the darkness, and Simon didn't know when he lost his strength to feel.

All he knew is that he is already dead.

Or maybe not.

As he thought about it he suddenly saw a very dim light and as he went towards the light it became brighter and brighter, he suddenly closed his eyes as he felt afraid as he was going to fall, his body was finally going to collide with something.

But the pain of collision never came. instead, he woke up with a jolt.

He took deep breaths and closed his eyes; he kept his hands on his face as he felt difficult to breathe.

He does not feel any pain in his eyes.

So he pressed both the eyes with his shivering and cold hands and he could feel his eyes, his eyes were back. He slowly moved the hands from his hands and took deep breaths before he opened his eyes.

And he could see the light, and he could also see his hands, which did not look like his hands.

They looked like the hands of a child.

"Young Master Simon." A woman came running inside the room, and she stopped beside the bed to see Simon, who was not speaking, not laughing, not responding, he wasn't being responsive.

"Young Master Simon?" The maid said and raised her hand to touch him, but he flinched.

He still felt the burning sensation in his chest but he looked at the maid and he recognized her at first glance, she was his nanny...oh god she is here, alive, breathing, talking.

And he is here as well, with his hands and legs in one piece his eyes in one piece as well, he suddenly got down from the bed and went to stand before the mirror, he expected to see a tall grown young man but instead, he saw a child.

A child with a small face and hands and a small stature.

"Young master Simon, what's wrong? and why aren't you answering?" His nanny asked again.

But Simon was too shocked to say anything. Suddenly another maid came in and Nancy went to her, "Go and tell Lord that young master is behaving weirdly."

The maid ran out of there while Simon stood in front of the mirror, still digesting the fact that this was real and he was back.

He honestly didn't believe that the spell would work or that he would be successful, after all, he was a despicable being. Why would the goddess help him?

He killed his father, his friends, and the people loyal to him. He should have served in, hell but the gods also work in different ways, and here he was...back in time to change his and everyone's destiny.

He suddenly smiled, and he smiled like a madman, or like a mad child.

Nancy, his nanny was terrified when she saw him like this, 'is the young master gone insane after being locked in the house for so long?'

She thought about it for some time and looked at Simon with pity; she tried calling his name against it but no answer.

But suddenly the atmosphere became chilly and everything changed when the presence of someone else was felt.

And the cold voice invaded Simon's ear, "What's going on here?"

Simin's body became stiff once he heard that...his eyes were suddenly filled with tears when he heard that firm and cold, emotionless voice.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath but the tears won't stop, and suddenly the room was embraced by the presence of the head of the family. Head of the strongest dukedom in the empire.

Yug Mael Adelio.

The duke of the Gealach Empire was the third most powerful person after the Queen and the Saint on the temple.

When Yug entered the room he saw the empty and then turned to the side to see his son with tears in his eyes. Seeing his son cry made his heart clench a little.

He quickly went to him and sat in front of him. "Why are you crying? Son? Are you okay? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

Simon couldn't say anything. He just burst into tears and hugged his. father, he jumped on him and for a moment Yug didn't realize what just happened.

He hugged his father tightly, not willing to let go feeling guilty and relieved at the same time, in the last life, he had wronged his father and taken his life, but he had longed for his father after he had lost everything.

Yug hugged him back and picked him up gently patting his back and even though Simon was a grown man...in his past life, right now he was a child who was in the safest and warmest place in the world, and he does not want to let go of this warmth so easily.

Yug held his son in his arms for a long time before Simon finally calmed down...and once he was calm Yug tried to make him sit on the bed but Simon just wouldn't leave him so he made him sit on his lap and made him drink some water.

He then kept the glass away and asked, "So... why were you crying?" he asked as he wiped his son's tears.

Simon smiled, "Father, I just saw a bad dream..."

"What was the dream about?"

"That you left me"

Yug sighed, "I thought you would be happy if I left, till yesterday you were fighting with me that you wanted to go out."

Simon's eyes became wet again, yes it is true that there was a time when all Simon wanted was to get rid of Yug. He hated being anywhere near Yug, Yug's presence annoyed him, he hated his existence.

And by thinking about all this, he felt more and more guilty, Yug saw the tears again and was about to say something but before that Simon hugged him, "I am a sorry father... I will never do that again..."

There were not a lot of incidences when Yug was shocked like the way he is now, even Nancy gasped when they both heard Simon say sorry.

Yug looked at Nancy, "what did you feed him for dinner yesterday?"

"The normal food made by the chef."

Yug then looked at his son, "Simon have you eaten something else without asking?"

Simon smiled. He understood very well the reason for this reaction... after, all in his last life he was a spoiled brat, who threw tantrums and bullied others, misused his wealth, and whatnot.

Now that he remembers all that, he wonders why in the world is he favored by the goddess?

But then he sighed, "I love you, father."

Nancy passed again and this time she smiled brightly... Yug still had a blank face but his heart melted when Simon said, "I love you too, son." Simon hugged him back.

To all the people he had wronged in his last life, Simon will make sure to serve them in this life.

His life will be dedicated to his kingdom and his people.

As Simon thought about all this, he suddenly felt dizzy.

He stood up and Yug said, "Go and take a bath and come for breakfast, okay?"

Simon suddenly felt immense pain in his chest and head.

"Simon?" Yug called out when his son didn't reply and when he saw Simon's face turning all red, he sat in front of him, "Simon?"

Simon looked at him and opened his mouth to say something, but then he suddenly coughed blood.

Yug's face was covered with a horrified expression while the nanny was so shocked that she nearly collapsed.

Simon closed his eyes as he felt drained and fell forward. Yug watched him before he could fall, "HURRY...HURRY UP AND CALL THE DOCTOR RIGHT NOW!! HURRY UP!"

Nancy ran outside, and the other maids ran, too.

While Simon was in pain but still conscious... damn, what the hell is this pain?

But then he remembered something, something he read in the book from his previous life...

'If a mortal even if he is favored by the goddess ankh... turns back the time, then because of the immense energy and divine power of the three gods, Duat, ankh, and Aurelias, the soul of the person can be damaged."

Holy shit, Simon suddenly sighed, 'don't tell me that my soul is damaged.'