
Days after talking to Iyana, Rafael finally decided what he has to do. He was going to meet Iyana.

"Alright that's enough for today," he said and Simon finally fell on the ground, breathing heavily, and drenched with swear hands and legs shivering because of overworking gosh his muscles are going to give him so much pain today.

Rafael came beside him and looked down at him before she scoffed, "Tsk, tsk what a weakling."

This piece of shit! Has he forgotten that Simon is a child frail and weak child? how dare he!" Spawn of the devil! He is si kind to his grown as big animals and see how he treats Simon.

Partial bastard.

Simon slowly got up on his shaking legs, "Thank you, master."

Rafael smirked and tapped Simon's back with a little force and Simon stumbled forward he jew that if he fell then Rafael was going to tease the hell out of him.

Rafael smiled, "Good you are dismissed."

Simon nodded and went back to pack.