
After at least one hour later, Iyana woke up, and she felt extremely weak and pale.

"Good evening princess." Rafael said and Iyana looked at him sitting on a chair right beside her bed, Rafael had not left her room after everything that had happened and was observing her the whole time, "Am I alive?" she asked in her very weak voice that came out as a whisper.

"No, this is the afterlife."

Iyana sighed as she closed her eyes and nearly cried, "Oh boy, this is bad. I wanted to love and become the Queen and also get married and then have children."

Rafael raised a brow, "Who did you want to marry?"

"You," she replied without thinking Rafale smiled and looked down when he heard the tip of his ears turn red when he heard. And at the same time, Rune came in, " I see princess, you are awake."

Iyana's eyes widened. "Did you also die? Was the poison contagious?"