
The art of Necromancy was something that Sean had written in his book and something that Simon did try but it was too difficult and it took Sean years to master it and Simon couldn't do it in such a short time. Or some people are born with the talent to practice Necromancy. unfortunately, Simon was not someone like that.

"Hurry up, Lilith, finish them off," Cassandra screamed.

And Lilith tried to attack everyone. She directed her shadows towards others but before the shadows can even touch a strand of anyone's hair, a sound of a snap of fingers was heard and the shadows moved back.

  "Using such a divine art for such a filthy purpose? huh?" Everyone looked at the person who spoke, and it was none other than Rune.

Yug frowned when he saw Rune, somehow this Rune looked different. A serene smile, calm ocean-like eyes as if he had no care as if he was separated from everything and everyone as if nothing bothered him.