
"Where are we going, Sean?" Darian asked as Zavian dragged him across the streets while holding his hand.

"I am going to take you away from here for a while, Your highness," Zavian said.

Darian sighed and let Zavian drag him, soon Zavian went to rent a horse for them.

"Why have you taken only one horse?" Darian asked as he was looking at the tall black shiny horse and was gently tapping his neck.

Zavian smiled sheepishly and rubbed his temples, "Well your highness... I don't know how to ride a horse"

Darian paused whatever he was doing and blinked before he looked at Zavian as if he was joking, but soon he realized that Zavian was serious. And he smiled suddenly.

"How come you don't know how to ride a horse?" He said as he tried to wrap his hand mind around this information how can Sean not know something so basic?

"I didn't have time for that."

"Why? were you busy scheming?"