
I survived the [Slave seal] attack from Decker because of this title.

[The first of the kind]

[You are the first of your kind you can't bow to anyone else other than yourself. Your race is a very royal and strong race you should prove it to the world.]

[Effects: Unknown]

It's effects are unknown.

When Derek attacked me a screen popped up in front of me.

{Opponent used skill [Soul Slave seal]. Effects will be neglected due to the title [The first of the Kind]}

Suichi is now standing in front of two corpse one is Decker's and other one is Jill's.

The hole in Decker's chest is now fully healed. I mixed my blood in the medicine that jill gave him in tea.

Suichi, Jane and Julia are also staring at the bodies.

What's my stamina now.

[Stamina: 47]

Fuck i need blood and i have to increase my level to increase my stamina. Drinking blood when stamina is 100 ain't no good. It's like continuously charging a phone when battery is full.

But i will be needing more blood soon and i Don't want to kill my cute slaves. Whenever my body needs blood it releases this lust emotion and my emotions are very heightened right now. I am fucking horny.

I need to control myself i will leave for the nearby city or village once the moon rises.

6 hours later...

Decker and Jill opened their eyes.

I observed them very carefully as I stood at a 3m distance from them.

I ordered Julia and Jane to wait outside the door.

It's night outside. Now i have to see will they listen to me or not.

Both of them stood and started walking towards Suichi their eyes are red, fangs are out drooling, claws are sharper than blade.

Suichi isn't feeling any bloodlust from them but he is carrying a sword in his left hand behind his back as a precaution.

Both of them stopped about half meter from suichi and went on their knees.

"We greet the great sire." Both of them spoke at the same time.

S-Sire... Is this some kind of play ? Suichi understood everything when he searched through his memories clearly.

Vampire can make two types of contract when they transform other living being into a vampire.

First is slave and second is Life partner.

I think due to low level of skill i made slave contract with both of them. I sirened them with my blood they are now truly my blood related slaves.

"Stand up."

"Yes, sire." Both of them stood up and looked at suichi with normal faces.

"You can come in now." Suichi spoke.


Jane and julia entered the room and looked at jill who died some hours ago.

They ignored Derek like he doesn't even exist.

"Jill." Julia looked at jill and suddenly a light glowed up in Jill's heart i felt them it's like enlightenment.

"Jane, Julia." She looked at them with tears full in her eyes.

It's like when she came to me she had no emotions but now suddenly she is filled with emotions but Derek is still the same emotionless puppet.

So you can gain your emotions like that. I learned something new.

I wonder if i can get mine back.

Jill hugged Julia but suddenly a bloodlust covered the whole room.

Jill's fang came out.

"Jill stop." I ordered her to stop before she kills Julia.

"I-I am sorry master i don't know why i couldn't think of anything else other than fresh blood in Julia's veins."

"I know but it's not good to kill your sisters. Julia is there any village nearby."

Julia nodded and speak "I haven't been out of this lab much but i can tell i saw a small village of humans near the mountains when i was brought here with my sisters."

"Derek is there a village near the mountains."

"Yes, sire there is a village near the mountains but in that village only illegal mining, slave trading and Robbery loot splitting takes place. It's not a village under the surveillance or protection of king."

"Good that's exactly what i have been looking for we will leave for the village in 20 minutes change your clothes."

"Yes, sire." Derek left the room.

"Master i will go like this." Jill spoke.

"Nope you are a vampire now i want you to wear good clothes not only you Julia and Jane will also wear something good."

"But master we are slaves."

"It's my order."

"Y-Yes we will obey."

Three of them left the room and Jane again passed an advance towards me.

Haa...Why did i choose vampire back then ? Ah...i know i though it was just a stupid game.

Well let's now look at some buisness.

Suichi opened his status.

[Quest Completed]

[Rewards are being given]

I postponed the rewards as the quest was completed back then.

Now let's see.

[Skill [Inventory] Achieved.]

Oh this skill is what I am craving for from the start.

[Title [Royal Blood] Achieved.]

[Royal Blood]

[You proved your worth by maintaining your status and killing your enemies you are now the first Royal Blood Of your Family.]

[Effects: Can have kids with any race and You will get affinity for all 5 elements.]

Wow that looks kinda cool but what are five elements i never heard of them in any rpg games i played.

"Sire, i am ready."

Derek came into the room wearing a butler dress.

"Good you look like a neat servent now."

"M-Master..." Jill came in the room with a sexy outfit of Rita.

As shy as always.

Julia and Jane also weared sexy dresses. I even got a boner from their appearance.

I was about to ravage the three of them on the bed but suddenly a screen popped up.

[Stamina low: 20]

[Stamina low: 20]

[Please refill the stamina or you will go into a deep slumber of sleep.]
