
"Jill what's your stamina level ?"

"It's 45 master."

Jill's face is turning red i know bloodlust is taking over her.

"Decker what about you ?"

"It's 60 master."

Good their levels are not that low but i have to get blood right away.

Suichi makes a calling hand gesture towards Julia.

"Yes master." Julia is wearing tight black jeans and white shirt with stripes.

"I need blood." Suichi spoke in a neutral tone.

"As you wish." Julia exposed her right hand wrist by folding her shirt's sleeves.

"Heh." Suichi didn't drink from her hand instead he stood up and bared his fangs on her neck and bitted it suddenly but gently.

Julia didn't resist and stood without moving.

"Ah...Master you are mean." Jill spoke as she looked at us and rubbed her hands on her sexy body like she is in heat.

I can't replenish my full stamina with only her blood otherwise she will die and my stamina won't be full either.

I controlled my desire to suck her Dey and left her neck.

After that Suichi called Jane and drank some of her blood too.

[Stamina: 30]'s like my stamina needs more blood than before to replenish.

Suddenly a screen popped up in front of suichi.

[Tips For Stamina.]

[1. Stamina is a basic need for vampire to use his basic skills and it can be replenished with the blood of any living blood.

2. Stamina and Mana are very different don't mistake to compare them with each other because low mana won't do anything to the host but low stamina can result in deep slumber.

3. Stamina is like a jar it's size will increase with the level of the vampire but the maximum amount will remain at 100 only the replenishing limit will increase.

4. Stamina usage for basic Skill will decrease with the increasing in level.

5. Stamina will be used for healing any damaged body parts.

6. Heavy Physical Activites will also consume stamina but at a very low cost.]

Oh... it's like a survival guide but how did i unlocked it anyway ?

Let's not think about it.

I have to leave this lab as i heard from Julia that a royal family's servent visits this lab every month and that day will be the day after tomorrow.

Let's see.


A black coloured square shaped inter-dimensional window appeared in front of suichi.

Okay let's do this.

Suichi picked up every item from the lab that can be moved and throwed it into his inventory.

Like different chemicals and weapons like bows spears and sword too.

He then took out a black coat from hunter's wardrobe. It looked so good to his eyes that he weared it instantly.

It was literally all black from the shirt to the pant.

Suichi pulled up the collars of the shirt inside the court and looked at himself in the nearby mirror.

He looked like a classical vampire from the 90's movies.

'Ah...look at me i can literally kiss myself at this time.'

Wait...did i just thinked that ? Why am I becoming so self-obsessed ?

Oh..shit what am I doing i have to go.

All of them left the laboratory and left the door opened.

I erased all the records of every experiment happened in that lab and now there are only walls left.

Ah...fresh air how many days has it been since i felt this soothing air on my skin.

I was weak in my last life but this one won't be in vain. I am not here to live a peaceful life or normal life or a slow life, i am here to kill and dominate this world.

First need i need to survive and build an army and for that i need a base big enough to hold many vampires.

I will imprint my name in the history and make the ultimate revolution for the vampire race.

"Derek lead the way to the village."

"Yes, Sire."

"Call me Suichi from now on."

"Yes, Suichi-sama."

Suichi looked at the three girls and spoke "you too."

"Yes, Suichi-sama." All three of them spoke at the same time.

"Good let's go now."

Derek started running in the woods with an incredible speed.

"Can you follow us ?" Suichi asked Jane and Julia as the three of them are vampires so they can obviously follow Derek even at this speed.

"Master we are beastkins we have an incredible body build and speed we can follow you easily." Julia spoke.


Jill and suichi followed behind Derek. Julia and Jane also ran with their full speeds but they are a little slower compared to suichi and the others.

After running for around half-hour they reached near the foot of the mountain and found out lamps glowing and light coming from the village.

I also witnessed my powers in the forest. At night i can see crystal clear like an owl, Can run 5 times faster than a cheeta , Hearing is sharp like a bat and lastly strength is over the top i crashed my shoulder into a tree by accident and three trees in that area ended up falling.

This body is like a sacred treasure.

"Now, Now shall we greet the villagers and give them a chance to treat their guests with their sweat and blood."

[Author: Comment something about this story to support my moral please.]