
"Derek use that skill on this whole village."

"Yes, Suichi-sama."

Derek stood up and casted a spell barrier on the whole village.

"Magic Blocking Barrier"

[Magic Blocking Barrier]

[This spell is mostly used for Capturing strong mage type criminals and For physical training of your body no mana passes in or out of this Barrier once casted. Maximum range for casting is 1km radius.]

An invisible Barrier covered the whole village.

"There are two guards on the entrance" suichi spoke

"i will take care of them." Jill spoke.

"No they are my preys, no one will touch my prey."

"Understood Suichi-sama."

Let's test my killing abilities now.

Suichi faded into the dark.

"Hey when will our shift end ?" One guard with black hairs and sharp eyes spoke.

"15 minutes left." The other guard with red hairs and blue eyes spoke.


"What the ? I think i heard something."


"It's coming from the bushes."

"It's your hallucination, you are tired of this work."

"No i can guarantee you it's not a Hallucination let's give it a quick check." The black haired guy spoke.

"I am too lazy to even listen to your nonsense go and do it yourself."

"Okay i am going."

The black haired guy started checking the bushes.

15 minutes later.

The haired guy looked at him standing still near the bushes.

"Hey our shift is over let's go."

"Heyyyyy dumbass i am calling you. What the fuck are doing there standing still for 15 minutes straight?"

After this he started doubting and started moving towards him.

"Hey are you alright?" He said as he grabbed his shoulder.

*Thud* suddenly his pale body fell lifeless on the ground.

His body was being Holded by a wooden stick until now.

"W-W-What the Fuck ? We are under attack i have to inform the chief."

As soon as he turned around to run away he saw two crimson red glowing eyes.

Without wasting any time Suchi grabbed his neck and bitted his neck as he started sucking blood from his body.

Within 3 second his whole body turned pale and he died.

"Bon appetite *burp*"

A screen popped up in front of him.

[Level Up]

[Stamina: 50 ]

Good i leveled up, it took me about 4 humans to level up once. It's going to be a bloodbath in the future.

This village is running on illegal buisness's income and Robbery loot splitting taxes. There is a bandit who runs this village as the chief.

I think i found a good source of income.

"Derek and jill come out..." He spoke slightly but both them heard it crystal clear and appeared before him instantly.

"You know the plan right ?"

"Yes, Suichi-sama."

"Good now go."

Both of them disappeared.

Jane and Julia came out of the woods when suichi gave them a hand guesture.

"Master you called ?" Julia asked.

"Yes... let's enjoy."

Suichi grabbed Jane and julia's waists with his arms and walked into the village like a rich dude.

Julia's face turned flush red but she didn't spoke anything. Whereas Jane got more comfortable in my arm. I don't know about jill or Julia but this girl will definitely take my virginity. She didn't spoke much from the start but i can tell what shee wants.

"Woah...look at that dude he looks rich and have girls."

"But why is he here ?"

"For some drugs ?"

"Or... illegal mithril."

Everyone started chattering when they looked at Suichi.

A man with brown hairs and black eyes, looking around 19, height about 5.8 feet approached suichi in a hurry.

"I welcome the long lord to this lowly place please come with me. I am Valhall, son of the chief of this village. May i know the lord's name."

"Sawa Suichi." Suichi spoke in a neutral tone.

"Ah...please follow me for some drinks lord Sawa."

"Oh...suichi is my name, Sawa is my surname."

"Ah... apologies my lord but I never heard about putting surname before the real name."

I followed him to the bar.

It was a wood made shop with a long wooden counter and many wooden chairs.

I sat down on the table and a big jug of beer was passed on to me by a busty milf.

She had big jugs big butts cute face in her 30's black eyes, Brown hairs and height is about...can't tell clearly because she is standing behind the counter.

"Sir, here is the menu." She passed me a menu but it wasn't as simple as it seemed.


{ 1. Mithril - 300 gold/Kg.

2. Drugs - 2 gold/Kg

3. Prostitute - 100 silver/Night

4. Magic swords - 1000 gold/sword

5. Assassination - 1 gold/normal person, 5 gold/Nobel person/Adventurer.

6. Kidnapping - same as assassination.

7. Slaves - Depends on the slave.}

" So...What would you like to order my lord ?"

This place is more twisted than i thought. Well let's go with it since i am only buying some time. I choose the most time buying method.

"I will take no. 7"

"Thank you sir please follow me." She went through a door leading underground to the basement of the shop.

She lights the lamp in her hand and i saw a gallery filled with cages in that basement.

In each one of them was a slave with different species.

Some elfs, some dwarfs, some beastkins and some humans too.

Only one thing came in my mind.
