
"How many slaves are here in total ?" Suichi asked.

"50, out of which 30 are men and rest are women." She spoke.

"Good i will take all of them."

She turned around and looks at suichi with her eyes wide opened.

"Y-Yes My lord that will be 5000 gold and i would like a advance payment before connecting them to your slave seal." She bowed as she said this.

"Ah so you need advance payment."


"What's your name miss ?"

"Haley, My lord."

"So Haley stand straight and look into my eyes and then tell me again how much money do you want ?"


Suichi's eyes turned red and glowed. Haley looked in his eyes and got in his compulsion immediately.

"I need no money, Master." She spoke in a trance.

[Compulsion Leveled Up]

[Compulsion Lv.2]

[With this skill your opponent will get mesmerized by looking into your eyes and he will go into a hypnotized stage where he can't say no to any of your orders.]

[Level Increase Effect: You can now see whether the target can be Compelled or not beforehand.]

Oh it Leveled up and would you look at the level increasing effect. I was playing a gamble on my sixth sense until now. I felt the amount of mana coming from a being and tried to compel them if it's low but now i can know beforehand, if i can compel them or not.

Let's not lose the focus and continue what i was doing.

"Good, now connect them to this seal and yes don't forget to connect yourself too. Oh and while you do that show me your neck i am hungry." He spoke as a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, Master."

Suichi bitted on Haley's neck and started drink her blood.

"Master, how did you do that ?" Jane asked.

Suichi stopped drinking her blood and backed-off as he licked his fangs.

"Oh... it's one of my powers to bewitch another one's mind and control it accordingly to my will."

"That's one hell of a scary ability." Julia spoke in low tone.

"I can hear you."

"Ah..sorry master."

"Master Please show me your seal."

Haley poured some blood drops on the seal and it started glowing.

"Connection is now complete master." She spoke as a slave seal appeared on her breasts.

"Good now it's time to execute the main plain."

I won't be needing these slave in my plan so let's not bother them for now.

"Let's go it must have been done by now."

Four of them left left the bar and walked towards the center of the village.

After few minutes of walking they reached the center of the village and saw a big crowd of people staring at something.

Suichi turned his head towards that direction and noticed a corpse hanging on a wooden pole.

Wow i can't even describe his face it's like beasts teared him apart into small parts and then tried to fixed them together.

Suichi slightly touched his forehead with his right hand and spoke.

"Hah...I have to teach them how to do this or they will commit a mass genocide at this rate."

Suichi walked under the hanging corpse and sat on a wooden chair with his left leg on the right one and looked at the crowd with his sharp eyes.

"Excuse me my lord but who is this man ?" A man with brown hairs came forward and spoke. He was none other than Valhall.

"Ah... You are Valhall right, the son of the village chief ?"

"Y-Yes my lord."

"yeah this man is the village chief aka your father." Suichi spoke in a sympathetic tone but there was this exciting feeling in his heart to feel the fear in Valhall's body after seeing his father's body teared apart and unrecognisable in condition.

"W-What are you s-saying my l-lord ?" He spoke in a shaking tone.

"Hey i think he took drug over dose."

"Yeah he is too high bro."

"But literally who is this guy ?"

"Yeah his corpse is too much messed up it's impossible to even recognise him."

Everyone started talking about the corpse and suichi.

Valhall suddenly ran towards the corpse and removed it's right shoe.

"T-This is really my father." His face turned grim as the strongest man in the village is now dead and hanging on a wooden pole.

"Ah...this feeling of fear how much have I missed it from the last time." His face eyes turned red and his fangs came out of his mouth.

Suddenly the feeling of fear in Valhall's heart turned into anger when he saw that Suichi is laughing after killing his father in front of the whole village.

Valhall unsheathed his sword and pointed it on suichi's neck from behind.

"Y-You you bastard, who are fuck are you ? Why would you kill my dad ?"

"Ah...the feeling of fear disappeared, well just i have to create it again i think. You know Valhall when your father died his position as the 'Chief of the village' transferred to you but that's nepotism you know. So to end nepotism you will give it to me right." Suichi spoke as he smiled.

"You bastard." Valhall pulled back his sword and swinged it with his full power towards Suichi's neck.

"Sigh...*snap*" Suichi snapped his fingers as he left out a sigh in disappointment.

Suddenly Valhall who was standing behind him vanished in thin air and his sword fell on the ground.

Everyone looked at this view with their eyes wide open.

"What the hell ?"

"Did he just vanished ?"

"I think he is a high mage or something."

"He is using some powerful magic spells."

Everyone looked at this situation as if a magic show is going on. They thought suichi won't do anything to them.

After 5 seconds Suichi snapped his fingers again.

Nothing happened.

"Pfttt...hahaha look his magic failed."

"What a loser."

"...and i thought he is a high mage. How stupid of me to think that."


Everyone made fun of suichi as nothing happened after he snapped his fingers this time.

*Thud* suddenly a corpse fell from the sky it's clothing looked similar to Valhall but his face was torn apart and his hands are twisted like a spring, legs are broken.

"W-What the fuck ?"

"T-That's Valhall."

"Hiieee- he killed him."

Suddenly the environment got filled with fear and remorse.

"Hehehe.... Transfer Completed, Now i am the new village chief. If he would've transferred it to me while he was alive then he could've served me as a blood bag for the rest of his life but his luck was bad."

"So guys i am your new village chief, anyone got a problem with it. Ah...sorry for calling you 'guys'. So living cattles i am your new owner." He spoke in a loud tone.

Everyone looked at suichi with terror and fear.