Love Is The Greatest Sin

Selene's Keep, a fortress built by one man alone for the woman he failed to protect. 

The cobblestone left no traces of settlement. Cobwebs loitered at the entrance as torches guided the darkened tunnel. The sound of mice and the whistling of wind created a melancholic hymn throughout the day.

In this abandoned fortress, the day and night collided, for the thunderclaps never left the wretched place ever since the tomb had been built. A tiny line between night and day, creating a somber atmosphere, perfect for the tragic story behind Selene's Keep.

The vines on every nook and cranny of the fortress witnessed the hollowing shadow of a beast on the eve of the woman's death anniversary. There, the crying of a wolf would resonate at the strike of midnight — calling for redemption, asking for forgiveness.

And now, the said wolf was back.