A Thing With Homicidal Maniacs

"My lord! Oh my goodness, my lord!" A moroi leaped from joy upon seeing the shadow of his master behind the marble throne. Careful not to agitate his master, he stopped his strides a good meters away from the vampire lord. "I have brought urgent requests from the Lupine Pack, my lord."

"What a loyal dog you are." Levi's sarcastic words rang on every pillar in the great throne room. "The first you spat is about some mutts in their territory doing gods know what. Haven't you ever wonder if my journey harvests some result?" Legs crossed as he leaned against his throne, his slender fingers caressed the sigils on his armrest.

'My lord, if you are not successful, you would have flip that place rather than come back without results,' the subordinate cried in anguish at the back of his mind. He knelt, forehead touching the floor as he plead for leniency. "This servant deserves death, my lord!"

Levi, who was still in good mood, waved his hand in dismissal. "Forget it."