The moment Sue uttered 'yes' she was teleported into a new realm. Gone was the murky ground beneath her bare soles, replaced by the ticklish feeling of grass. Gone was the heat fused in the air, replaced by the soothing coolness of the fresh breeze that hugged her red dress around her body. And gone was the towering ceiling hovering over her, replaced by the deep blue sky.

It was awfully familiar yet unfamiliar for Sue.

'It is the same scene I saw from beyond that portal!' Sue could not believe that the place she was standing on was situated inside the ring!

Something tugging her dress caught her off guard. "Nyx? You were teleported too?" 

"Of course, master! We are connected by a contract. Wherever you go, I go. Hehe!" She grinned at Sue with a proud one. "By the way, master. Your father is so cool!"

A brow raised upon Nyx's words. "Why is that?"