Breaking Bonds

'Lordie, what happens to me if I let this candidate go from the Harem System? I mean, it is not me who wanted to break the bond but him. This goes beyond my control. I can't control his feelings, can I?' Sue Terin immediately asked Lordie who was inside her space ring. She knew they were watching her this whole time. 

Lordie's reply echoed in her mind. "You will die or be in a vegetative state for a long time if one of your candidates forfeits their connection with you. All the accumulated percentage will plummet to zero and... you know what zero means in the Harem System, right?"

'But this isn't my fault!' Sue insisted.

"Nothing is fair, lassie."

'I can't possibly change this man's mind. I mean look at him. I am sure that you also heard his story.' Biting the insides of her cheeks as she stared at him, Sue saw the raw determination in his eyes. She knew that it would take great willpower to change this man's mind.