Daki The Hunter

The countenance around Daki the Hunter changed drastically. Gone was the unmoving mountain of pure muscle, replaced by a sharp hunter who was openly observing the predator in his midst.

The spear that took the brunt of the lightning bolt now lay in pieces on the ground. One could deduce that Daki saw this coming that was why he had brought the spear along with him. Needless to say, the spear was not his weapon at all. It was the necklace with fist-sized brown-colored beads!


Daki the Hunter began his twirling and spinning. He spread his feet apart, burrowing his feet into the cracked floor of the stage.

"Kraken, move now before he finishes his attack!" The wind around the stage was being drawn to the endless spinning that Daki was making, letting the airflow tight and sharp to take for Sue Terin. She spoke through the mind link. 'Surround him from different angles and attack simultaneously!'

The Kraken released an ear-shattering roar.