Under The Sakura Tree

As Sue Terin sank into the abyss, a bright light enveloped her freefalling body.

What she expected was the stabbing pains in her backside; instead, she realized how she was now standing on an awfully familiar bridge made of bricks. Surrounded by a vast pond where water lilies and koi fish littered it, a wave of nostalgia hit Sue Terin. The blow was more fatal than the blow which rearranged her internal organs.

"!!!" Upon remembering such a blow, her clean hands held her stomach. She was still wearing her dress from the dinner that she was supposed to host before a deranged vampire lord took her. Only, there was no pain whenever she took a deep breath. No. Sue could not see a speck of wound or scratch around her body.

'What is happening? I was in a fight and I was about to die. What happ—' Sue's train of thought was cut off when a body, a literal body, ran through her!