Accepting Heidi's Wrath

The Moon Tribe's curse was like a poisonous knot for every folk of the Demon Clan's Moon Tribe. But this festering eternal illness tripled a knot for the Moon Tribe's heir – Heidi Zulden. 

Ever since he grew a conscious mind, Heidi felt the weight of his ancestors' grievances added to the bittersweet burden of hope given to him by his loyal comrades. Over the centuries, deep down, Heid knew that this curse would stay with him until the day he would die. Heck, he even wanted to end the curse by cutting the thousand-year-old royal lineage of supreme rulers by dying without an heir!

But a dream changed it all. A fucking dream haunted Heidi Zulden for decades. At first, it was only a mere snippet of a woman with an ethereal breath. Every time Heidi woke up from this dream, a never-been-felt-before kind of calmness washed over him. As years passed, Heidi craved to shut his eyes every damn night just to experience this type of euphoric calmness.