In just a few minutes, she was dressed up and went down quickly. Lendon gave her a naughty smile when they climbed to the car. Kendra was forced to go out with him. They went to the CBD building. After they got off, Lendon told Kendra to follow him. She couldn't understand why he had to bring her into this place.
Many senior managers had been waiting for Lendon. Then, finally, he walked into a vast building, and his underlings were briefing him about a specific situation.
"Mr. Martin, if we open it fully, we can make profits within six months. So this project will definitely be successful."
"Yes, Mr. Martin. We just need to make an advertisement by hiring popular actors or models. Then, we make sure everyone knows this place, and we can invest more."
Lendon put his hands in his pockets and listened to the report without any facial expression. He glanced at Kendra occasionally, who followed him silently.