Lorde Pov.

  "Take off your mask mate for I need to see your face," I ordered her.

  I waited patiently for her to take them off but it was like taking off a mask needs a grand style.

  "Can't you hear me very well?" I asked her.

  "I am sorry, I should not be doing this, I need to go, we never had this dance please." She said in a shivering tone.

  "Wait a minute," I said trying to stop her but she ran out from the hall.

  "What just happened?" I asked Raja.

  "I think you ruined it trying to act like you are lord, you need to go for her right now," Raja said to me.

  "I will do just that and lastly do not tell me I ruined it, it's not because of my attitude she ran off." I made myself clear by leaving the hall trying to find her.

  I tried to smell her to know where exactly she went to and I finally caught her scent, I saw a door and about opening it someone held my hands.