Amelia Pov

  I know I got warned by my parents not to talk with anyone at the ball party and when I knew he was my mate, I even got scared more, even when Red my wolf form keeps telling me to take off my mask, I still refused to do it, I know the trauma I had with my parents beating me up for disobeying them and I do not think I am ready for that tonight.

  I ran off from the party entering an empty room shutting the door behind me.

  I sat on the floor, "I think someone needs to give you an award for being the best runner at the party." Red said to me.

  "Come on Red, remember the rules my parents gave to me."

  "Oh girl, rules do not apply to your mate you know, come on, you saw your mate at the ball, you even danced together."

  "I know all that, I am scared, what if he rejects me, I am a waitress at this party and looking at his outfit and all, I feel he is the popular Alpha Lorde."