Lorde's Pov

  I am so happy that gradually I am making Amelia to get used to me, the fear she normal has in her eyes whenever she talks to me is no longer there, this is a good sign.

  I don't wish to rush her by having sex now but will always make her enjoy her pleasure for the mean time.

  "Alpha Lorde the round table is complete, you are expected to come in."

  "Okay Simon, be there right away." I ended the mind link Simon started with me and informed Amelia about me attending a meeting which means I had to stop our romantic pleasure.

  She agreed then I went on dressing before leaving the room walking towards the stairs and out of my own living room outside the door heading to the beautiful garden using the door there.

  I finally took the round about step that lead to where everyone are seated, the round table,immediately they sniff my presence,they all stood on their feet to regard me as I went to take my seat,"Great Alphas and Elders, lets sit."