Lorde's Pov

  "You are so sexy."

  "Thank you." She responded with a smile.

  "Do you have something to share?"

  "When can I see my sister?"

  "Oh, perfect timing, remember the favour you ask of me, she got it already and I will be giving them a welcome speech tonight."

  "Oh wow, that's beautiful." She responded but looking at her, she still look troubled like she has something else to say too.

  What is she thinking right now? Why can't she ask me directly instead of keeping it?

  "Is that all Amelia?"

  "Yes, Alpha Lorde."

  "Okay if you say so love, let me wash off this sweat so I can get prepared for welcoming the special wolf."

  I kissed her cheek taking a few steps ahead of her when she called my name using her luna voice, I won't lie, I kind of like it.

  "Alpha Lorde wait."

  "Okay love, I am here not going anywhere."

  I turned with a smile."My Supreme Luna, talk to me."