Lorde's Pov

  Waking up with Amelia by my side again this morning is the best gift I have ever gotten in life,I watched her sleeping so sound and peaceful.

  I kissed her forehead getting off the bed, I wanted to have my bath and leave as usual but what if it upsets her?

  "Lorde why not be with our mate this morning before leaving to work?" Raja suggested and I decided to stay back.

  I walked to the bathroom to wash my mouth then have my bath under the shower, when I started thinking of the recent death that took place, where I could do nothing,I sometimes wonder if I am not fit of being the Alpha,I need my adviser now Andre, long I heard from him, maybe he has travelled out again to catch fun as he always does but anyway will call him on my way to work to check on him as a caring cousin that I am.

  I stepped out from the bathroom with a towel on my waist as I walked to my closet to pick up easy wear, I wished to prepare breakfast for her before leaving the house.