Katarina's Pov

  I woke up to my mom's call, why must she call so early, she should know I am still sleeping by now.

  I stretched on the bed before getting up to wash my face in the bathroom returning to pick her third call coming up.

  "Good Morning mom."

  "Good morning my dear child, I am sorry for ruining your sleep but I must call."

  "No problem mom, I am all ears."

  "Text me the address of the place you will be going shopping with Amelia once it's time okay do you have an idea of the time?"

  "I will mom but I have a feeling it will be from 3 pm because no one will like to go shopping very early."

  "Just tell me when it's time because my dirty wolf will be waiting to carry out the assignment for you and it will be so smooth, after she is missing, I am quite sure she will be forgotten easily by the Alpha then you can come in."

  "I can't wait mom, I can't wait, take care of dad mom and I miss you two so much, I need to take my bath so I can have my breakfast."