Andre's Pov

  I came down from the plane after we landed in Mississippi, I walked out of the embassy taking a taxi to a good hotel to spend the night.

  "Sir where would you like to go? I will take you there?"

  "Take me to the best hotel here."

  "Sure, I know of a hotel that is so good and I have a feeling you will love it there, hop in." The fat taxi driver said smiling.

  I entered the taxi as he zoomed off, I admired the city and I hope my coming here to find a witch will solve my stress, there must be a way for me to lift the curse off my bloodline and then I can take back what belongs to my lineage, being the Almighty Alpha of all Alphas.

  We arrived at the hotel and I paid him his money.

  "Thank you for bringing me here, I think I will like this very hotel you brought me to," I said with a smile.

  "I know you will."

  "Please before you go, I am looking for someone, I think she is called a soothsayer."