Lorde's Pov

  "Simon we need to do some investigations today, I feel there might be something we might find out there," I said to him.

  "Then I should drive." He said with a smile.

  "I won't let you, let's go."

  I stepped out with him as we entered my black Suv car leaving the mansion.

  "So tell me, Simon, when are you getting a mate? I guess it's my turn to torment you."

  "Really Alpha Lorde?"

  "Oh yes, I remember how you never let me have peace because of my mate, now my mate is with me, she will need the Beta mate to keep her company."

  I said trying to make fun of him.

  "Do not worry before your mate's welcoming party, I must have found my mate then, just watch and see." He said with a frown.

  "Oh wow, I love that, seems you are so sure of finding her this week."

  "I just have that belief, can we go focus on where we are heading to now?"