Lorde's Pov

  I left the office in a hurry and I thought of rushing home immediately but I can't just go home without the gift and the phone.

  I stopped to get them before heading straight home.

  Parking my car at the right place,I could hear Amelia laughing with my distance hearing, this made me more angry.

  "You need to calm yourself down Lorde, so you won't end up doing something you might regret." Raja advised.

  "I am not angry,I just wish to see the Erick guy that Amelia likes so much,you can hear the way she is laughing,it's annoying, she has not laughed that way to me before."

  "Oh come on,I know you are just jealous that's why you are acting this strange, though I am not happy as well but do not end up doing things that might make her hurt," Raja concluded.

  I entered the sitting room and decided to keep the things I got for Amelia in my room before going to the kitchen to meet her since that's where her voice is coming from.