Simon's Pov

  I was happy that finally, I found my mate, I didn't know what else to say.

  "Have your seat, you must be thirsty right? What should I get for you?" I asked her smiling and she smiled in return saying, "Water."

  "Okay, I will get it immediately for you," I added.

  "Finally we found our mate," Jay said.

  "Now you can let me have some peace of mind right? No more bothersome."

  "But you are so weird you know, look at what you said to her, I think you should be rated number zero when it comes to women you know."


  I took the bottle of water from the fridge and passed it to her.

  "Thank you." She smiled saying it.

  "Are you fine? Did anything happen to you?"

  "Nothing serious, I think my mom knows she will miss me, she develop a little illness so I had to stay back with her before leaving." She replied smiling.

  "My name is Simon."

  "Call me Fiona."

  "Fiona nice name."

  "Are you going to reject me?" She asked.