Amelia's Pov

  I didn't wish to hide it from the beta so I told him I was allergic to chocolate.

  "Is Alpha Lorde aware of this?" He asked.

  "No, he is not."

  "You know you can't blame him, if he had known, he would not have forced you to have them. I felt his jealousy made him have said or done some wrong things."

  "I guess you are right, that's why I don't wish to see him," I replied.

  "I am saying sorry on his behalf and give him another chance, you can't stay angry with your mate forever."

  "Fine, you are right then."

  "Besides he felt so jealous knowing from your sister that you always like the man Erick."

  "You mean Katherine told him?"

  "Yes, that's the reason, so please."

  "Fine, he can come in after I am done resting," I replied to him and he took his leave thanking me.

  "I told you Katherine has not changed, now you see what she did to your love life with Lorde." Red, my wolf side said.