Lorde's Pov

  "After dinner, we go there to see for ourselves," I said to him and he nodded.

  We finished eating the meal and I kissed Amelia.

  "You are so beautiful, love."

  "Thank you, Alpha Lorde."

  "I will be going out with my beta to check on something, will see you when I get back," I said to her calmly.

  "Well, I might sleep off if you don't come early."

  "Then if I meet you asleep, I will wake you up with a kiss," I promised her and she blushed.

  "Okay then, see you soon and be safe." She said caressing my hair.

  "Thank you so much, my love." I kissed her cheek before leaving and joined Simon in the car.

  "Are you going to drive me there, Simon?" I asked him.

  "Just say thank you I am driving you." He said and I nodded my head saying, "I feel like reaping out someone's heart right now." He smiled and started the car as we zoomed off to the lab.

  "What are we going to do about it when we see it?" Simon asked.