CHAPTER 16: Fashion

Madi's POV:

"What am I going to wear--- what am I going to wear? Argh!" I kept asking myself for more than 10th times this evening.

"I hate you, Mr Wilsons!" I grabbed my hair in frustration as I walked into my closet.

"What should I suppose to wear?" I asked myself again. "A dress? A short? mini-dress? long dress------"

I paused as I smiled at the thought that popped up in my head.

"Great, Madi! You're such a smart woman!" a devilish grin formed on my lips.

Ten minutes before seven in the evening, I decided to go downstairs and wait for him in the living room. For sure he knows how to knock.

But as I went down the stairs, Jaime looked at me as if she saw a clown. I just rolled my eyes but then smiled at her.

"What is that, Madi?" she can't stop laughing.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"What are you wearing? Seriously? An ankle-length white skirt and a white-loose blouse? Where are you from--- 16th or 15th century?" She laughed again, clutching her stomach.