CHAPTER 17: Late For The First Time

Madi's POV:

2:00 am.

I tried to sleep, but this freaking sleep doesn't want to visit me. I did almost everything but every time I closed my eyes, all I saw see was his face, smiling at me.

And the question that kept ringing in my head, was the real reason why I accepted his deal. Am I attracted to him? No! It's only been two months, it's impossible! How would explain this to my mom? Would I tell her the truth? Or maybe act like I'm in love with Gabriel?

I don't know what time I dozed off. It's actually the first time this has happened to me... thinking about a person until I fall asleep.

6:00 am.

6:30 am.

7:00 am

. . . . . . .

8:30 am



"Argh! I hate you! Can you stop on ringing?" I shouted frustratedly. Actually, I don't know if it's my alarm clock or my cellphone.


"Argh!" With my eyes still closed, I took the alarm clock from the bedside table. "Tell me who set you up so early on a Sunday morning?" And then I turned it off.