
  Natalie stood me up. She never returned to the park the day after I met her, and neither did she pop up the day after that.

  Am I insane for feeling disappointed?

  I'm probably crazy, but...

  I kept walking back to the park bench where I had met Natalie. Day after day, but she would never be there.

  Instead, I caught Natalie walking together with a man on the street. They were laughing at something. And while I know I had no right to be angry, I was beyond pissed off seeing them.

  It doesn't make sense. Natalie is a mere stranger, yet something snapped within me seeing her with that other man. He was good-looking too, not as tall as me, but he had stubble—so now I haven't shaved.


  I'm losing my goddamn mind over this woman.

  "Mr. Parker?"

  I peer up from my desk, not surprised to find Bianca, my assistant, standing in the doorframe. We recently bought this office, and I have yet to install a locked door.