
  I'm angrily doing my dishes but in silence. Emma is taking a nap in the other room. I don't want to wake her, but at the same time, I'm beyond pissed off.

  Linnea came over for lunch, and I'm seething. I'm cleaning my kitchen table while she is munching on her sandwich. She bought one for me too, but I haven't touched it yet.

  "I hate Noah." I'm close to breaking a plate in my hands. Even my eye is twitching. "I can't understand how I was EVER in love with that swine!"

  Linna snickers from the table. "In Noah's defense, you're a total stranger in his eyes—there is no wonder he didn't believe you. He is also a hot billionaire. I bet a lot of women have been trying to make use of that since his accident."

  "I know..." I sigh deeply, meeting her eyes. "But it still hurts. He remembers nothing while I'm stuck with the memories. I'm in love with a man who no longer exists..."

  Linnea gives me a sad smile. "Maybe Noah just needs time? His memories might return..."