Day 8 of The Gladiator Games
Initiation week had ended, thank the gods, and even though Jasper had to attend the slave girl's initiations, thankfully he wasn’t made to partake, just observe.
I was so relieved because even though my mother was pretty much knocked out for the whole week, I sat by her bed every evening after the games anyway, with Eloise by my side.
El and Jasper may not have marked each other, however, if he had had sex with anyone, Eloise still would have felt something. Not the shredding burn that makes you want to rip your heart out like I have heard my mother describe. But something more akin to an ashy taste in your mouth and a really bad stomach ache.
Since Eloise hadn’t felt any discomfort over the last week, I knew Jasper had remained faithful and I had a much deeper respect for him for not allowing himself to follow in our father's footsteps. His respect for the bond gave me hope for my two best friends.