Day 12 of The Games
Ajani finally healed and was able to join us for training in the common area this morning, although he was still recovering and a little on the stiff side, he was still one the best fighters here, aside from myself and Teal, Ajani was only second to Rogue.
Often I had found myself wondering who Rogue really was. Or where he came from, once he had been taught to hold a sword properly and trained in fighting techniques, He embraced the role of a Gladiator with the heart of a warrior. He was a quick study, and picked things up easily, a natural like he was born to fight. I was sure if he had a voice he would be a great commander, his loyalty to me was sincere.
Rogue had shadowed my every move, listening, learning, watching my back, and had I watched him strengthen and gain the respect of each Gladiator in the Barracks, he was becoming a force to reckon with and I appreciated him. I trusted Rogue.