CHAPTER 312 – Dark Days


  I groggily open my eyes; my body is stiff and frozen. I feel worse than when I woke up in the cold and dark cell of Tolba.

  I wasn’t sure what I would wake up to or where when my eyes finally focused. Frozen like an ice cube or not, I was relieved to find I was still out in the open.

  I shake my head a little, the wet snow falling from my face and head. As I focus, the bright, blinding winter sky has me squinting as big fat flakes fall around me. “Shit,” I groaned trying to muster the strength to move my frozen limbs.

  How long had I been laying here? What the fuck happened?

  The memories come flooding back all at once, the dirt bikes, the crash, the blood.

  I hastily check myself out, already knowing my wounds had healed. But what in the goddess’s name did those people hit me with? I thought they were coming to help, but all I remember is the agonizing sting of electricity shooting throughout my body.