CHAPTER 313 – The Night Before


  “Yes, yes, I’m ready!” I shout to Mason through the bathroom door. Checking myself out one more time and running my hands down the deep red dress. I brought it with Crimson in mind, the color of the sheer fabric was close to his eyes when they turned that deep shade of blood red.

  The dress was full-length, perfect for a coronation ball. Its haltered strap left my back bare, the neckline dipped with a deep V. And small clear jewels encrusted the bodice of the dress. My had grown out and was now shoulder length. I had it dyed black last night, with a few dark red highlights, to cover its natural bright orange.

  Satisfied with my appearance and finally emerged from the bathroom.

  “Whoa!” Mason gave a low whistle, and his eyes greedily ate me up. I smiled, scrunching my nose at his obvious ogling.

  “I take it I will do then?”

  “You will more than do, Princess.” I palmed the back of his neck and a blush crept over his cheeks. “You look beautiful.”