In his dimmed quiet room, Nir sat with his mask on, scribbling down on his scroll. One would wonder what he was always writing, but well, they had to do with matters of the Community.
Using his mind, he made the door go open when he felt someone about knocking and shortly, the person walked in - turning out to be one of his disciples.
"Greetings, Alpha" Caspian said with a bow, his hands crossed at his back as he stood so agile like a soldier. "Sorry to disturb you, but an important complaint just came in from one of us".
Nir didn't flinch nor spare him a glance as he just continued writing. Well, his disciples knew him too well.
"It's from a hotel Manager" Caspian went on. "He claims a strange man had shown up yesterday at his hotel and seemed to possess some supernatural powers - just like you, Alpha".
Now, that was enough to make Nir halt. His hand stopped moving on his scroll, but he didn't lift his eyes. Well, he had expected the complaint.