Daphne wasn't so sure when she heard the Alpha's name; because first, what would Nir be doing there? He wasn't a lover of crowd. And secondly, he always watched the training - whenever he wanted - from the balcony of the third floor which was clear enough to see everything. So, why would he be there?
But when the murmurings and excitements from the students persisted, she decided to turn, and to her dismay, was shocked to find him walking into the field. Wait,what?
The atmosphere seemed to change immediately, having the people's Mini-god - dressed in his favourite black robe and gold mask on - walking into the field. Each step he took with his combat boots landed with a steam of power and elegance; his masked face was nothing to conceal his charms.
Quickly, Daphne ran to him, the rest of the guards on the field doing same. Ethan and another disciple had followed him in.